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    Secretary of Industry and Productive Development

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Project Overview

"Misión Salud" is a video game developed specifically to train nurses on how to work in an intensive care unit. The game is developed using Unreal Engine and Godot game engines and utilizes XAPI to store data and track the player's progress.

In "Misión Salud," players take on the role of a nurse working in an intensive care unit, where they must care for critically ill patients. The game is designed to provide players with a realistic simulation of the environment, allowing them to practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment.

Players are introduced to the game by a virtual nurse supervisor, who provides an overview of the patient's conditions and necessary treatments. The game requires players to make critical decisions such as prioritizing patient care, administering medication, and monitoring vital signs.

The game includes realistic simulations of medical equipment such as ventilators, monitors, and infusion pumps, which players must learn to operate correctly. The player's performance is measured based on the accuracy and timeliness of their actions, as well as their ability to communicate effectively with other healthcare professionals.

The game includes multiple levels of increasing complexity, each requiring the player to manage multiple patients simultaneously. Each level is designed to simulate real-life scenarios that nurses encounter in intensive care units.

As the player progresses through the game, their performance is recorded using XAPI, allowing them to track their progress and identify areas where they need improvement. "Misión Salud" provides a safe and engaging way for nurses to practice their skills and improve their performance in intensive care units.

Project Process

Developing a video game to teach nurses how to work in intensive care requires a well-defined project process. The process involves several stages, each of which is critical to the success of the project.

The first stage is the needs assessment. During this stage, the project team works to identify the knowledge and skills that nurses need to work effectively in an intensive care setting. This may involve researching the topics, gathering input from experts in the field, and reviewing existing training materials.

Once the team has a clear understanding of the learning objectives for the game, they move on to the pre-production phase. During this stage, the team creates a game design document that outlines the game's objectives, scope, and features. They may also create mockups, storyboards, and concept art to help visualize the game's look and feel.

The production phase is where the actual development of the game takes place. This stage involves building the game mechanics, assets, and features using Unreal Engine and Godot game engines. The team may also integrate XAPI into the game to store player data and progress.

Once the game is built, the team moves on to the testing phase. During this stage, they thoroughly test the game to ensure that it functions correctly and achieves the learning objectives. This involves quality assurance testing and user testing to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments.

Finally, once the game has been tested and refined, it is released to the target audience. The team may also provide ongoing support and updates to ensure that the game remains relevant and effective over time.

Overall, developing a video game to teach nurses how to work in intensive care is a complex process that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a focus on achieving the desired learning outcomes. By following a well-defined project process, the project team can create a game that is engaging, effective, and relevant to the needs of the target audience.

Project Completion

This project is in the middle of the development process, so we hope to finally have a gamification tool that can be used and tested.

  • Finalize the project

    The project will be finished when the game is ready to be tested by nursing students.

  • Final Result

    We hope to have a video game that is useful for learning the tasks that a nurse performs in an intensive care unit.

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